Buzz Custom Fence (Contractors) in La Porte
Full information about Buzz Custom Fence in La Porte: address, opening hours, phone, fax, email, website. Buzz Custom Fence on the map, description and reviews.
Contact details of Buzz Custom Fence:
3535 Canada, APT 4212, La Porte, Texas (TX), 77571
EditBuzz Custom Fence opening hours:
Mon-Fri: 8 AM-5 PM; Sat: 8 AM-12 PM; Sun: Closed
EditReviews about Buzz Custom Fence:
About Buzz Custom Fence:
Buzz Custom Fence installs quality fencing, gate and automation equipment. For 25 years, we have a built a team throughout Texas, serving homeowners to businesses in Houston. Railroads, high-security prisons, to metropolitan zoos have trusted the material supply and team at Buzz. We are skilled in all types, from trendy horizontal cedar fencing to wrought iron, chain link for sport courts to vinyl for pets and pools. No matter the reason for your fence, our team can build and create a safe and secure backyard. We also repair and maintain gates for condo and apartment complexes, to homeowners and large estates,. Our team has a catalog of beautiful, ornate designs with endless options.
EditContractors nearest to Buzz Custom Fence:
Imperial Homes La Porte, Contractors; 101 King William Dr, La Porte, TX, 77546-6127; (281) 471-2085
Texas Veteran Roofing & Siding La Porte, Contractors; 3819 Rosemont Dr, La Porte, TX, 77002; (713) 947-0521